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In case you haven't noticed, the media environment in the US is crazier than ever.

America Uncovered attempts to provide a balanced, nonpartisan, and nuanced approach to challenging issues facing the US. That includes critical analysis of issues that sometimes get misrepresented by mainstream media. And occasionally, we show videos of puppies because we all need a mental health break once in a while.

America Uncovered is a spin-off of the popular show China Uncensored. It was launched in October 2017 by Chris Chappell, Shelley Zhang, and Matt Gnaizda.

America Uncovered is available to watch on this website and on YouTube.

America Uncovered is part of an extremely small media empire that includes China Uncensored and the China Unscripted podcast. All three shows are produced by America Uncovered LLC, an independently owned company based in New York.

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